Cannoli is a very well-known Italian dessert. It originated in Sicily first. People make them from pastry dough fried in the shape of a tube. Then, they fill them with ricotta cream. The topping can be a variety of candied nuts, chocolate shavings, orange zest, and so on.
And besides our deli here at Origini Italian Market is where you can get them freshly made.
Here is everything you need to know about cannoli:
The Meaning
Cannoli is the plural word for cannolo. It derives from the word cannolu in the Sicilian language. It translates to "short tube." Back in the olden days, Italians use sugar cane as mold. Nowadays, people use tube-shaped molds to make cannoli, and they call these cannolu.
The Original Cannoli
In the olden days, cannoli did not use to be in the shape of perfect cylinders. The crust, or scorza as the Italians call it, was framed in the shape of a bow tie. And Italians always used sugar-glazed oranges to garnish it as that was the tradition.
The History
As mentioned before, cannoli originated on the island of Sicily in Italy. Italians created it in the regions of Messina and Palermo. They developed it, particularly for their Carnevale celebrations. Carnevale is like Mardi Gras. Thus, they saw the cannoli as a symbol of fertility.
Soon afterward, the Italians were selling them all around the year. Also, many judge the quality of a Sicilian bakery after having cannoli from there. By now, this dessert has become a staple in Italian cuisine. Also, they were not only limited to Sicily. People have them even after meals, instead of having them only on special occasions.
Then, at the end of the last century, cannoli became well-known as a dessert in the United States. This occurred when Italians immigrated to the United States to find work. During this time, cannoli began showing up in Italian-American bakeries and restaurants. Eventually, cannoli became a staple of Italian-American cuisine. You can now find cannoli anywhere in the United States. But, there was a slight difference in the recipe as fresh ricotta was not available. So, they use mascarpone instead as a filling. The unavailability of many ingredients has led to substitutions being used. At one point, many used custard cream as a filling as well.
Although, many others do presume that cannoli was also made during the Roman Empire. Of course, cannoli from the past are not like what we see in modern times, but they did prevail. Many presume that Arabic Saracens have carried sugar over to the Italian Peninsula. This is how the earliest forms of cannoli were made. Some do speculate that instead of sugar, honey was used to make cannoli before. It is confirmed that cannoli was created between 827 and 1091 in the city of Caltanissetta.
The Ingredients
People make the dough of cannoli from a mix of flour, egg, sugar, vinegar, and marsala wine. In the olden days, Italians used lard to fry the dough, which made any kind of scent disappear. But Italians use vegetable oil nowadays. People incorporate the ingredients by hand to make the dough, then it is stretched. Then, they cut the dough into roughly circular shapes, and frame them around the mold. The dough is deep-fried afterward. The cream is made from fresh ricotta cheese mixed with sugar.
The Filling
The most delicious part of having a cannolo is being able to have it fresh while it is still crispy. So, cannoli should be filled only a few minutes before you eat them. If they fill the cannolo thirty or so minutes before, then the shells would be soggy. Also, the filling would not seem fresh. Losing the crispiness of the shells brings down the taste of the cannoli, so you do not want that.
The Sizing
Sicilians claim the smallest size of a cannolo to be about 14 cm. But, cannoli does come in a wide array of sizes. Cannolicchio is about 4 cm long, which is the size of a pinky finger. Then, there are many parts in Italy, such as Piana Degli Albanesi, where the size of a cannolo is as big as a hot dog.
How to Spot Superb Cannoli
The filling is whipped-up ricotta cheese as mentioned before. So, when you are having cannoli, make sure the filling looks and tastes like ricotta cheese. The filling is piped in imperfectly because of the foamy texture. If the filling happens to be shiny, then it is most likely not ricotta cheese. Also, make sure the filling is piped into the tube in front of you. Even if you had just entered a bakery for the cannolo, ask them to pipe in the filling in front of you. Only then, you would have found the perfect cannolo.
The Taste
The appeal of a cannolo lies in the texture of the shell-filled air pockets paired with the ricotta cheese. A bit of flavoring of honey or vanilla, or a sprinkle of cinnamon enhances the flavor. The smooth, tangy flavor of the cheese balances out the sweetness of both the chocolate and sugar. The crispy shell covered in confectioner's sugar makes the perfect symphony. Nowadays, cannoli contain many ingredients to provide distinctive textures as well as flavors. Often ingredients people use as toppings are chocolate chips, pistachios, strawberries, or almonds.
Cannoli Season
Sicilians say the best time to have cannoli is when there is fresh grass outside. This is because they claim that sheep produce the best milk when they have fresh grass. Good ricotta cheese is made from fresh milk. So, the perfect time to consume cannoli is around autumn and spring.
Lastly, cannoli is something that anyone who loves Italian cuisine should have. Hopefully, you were able to learn everything you need to know about cannoli. You can now have a Cannolicchio or a cannolo big enough to give a mustache with the ricotta cheese filling. And, you will find these available in Italian restaurants and bakeries anywhere. Besides, you can now taste these cannoli in our deli here at Origini Italian Market. Here you will find the best cannoli with foamy ricotta filling with great toppings.